Refund Policy

Products are returnable , only in a condition that is physically damaged and or with defective packaging. If you wish to get a refund of the product you would need to inform within 3 hours of receipt of the product on WhatsApp: 7506573726 or on Email:

You are also required to follow the following storage guidelines.
Product Storage guidelines
Storage suggestions for grains & pulses:

We would like to mention that, our all suppliers strictly adhere to the no contamination policy wherein they take care that there is no chemicals, pesticides, or fertilizers used at any stage of getting the product to our customers including production of raw produce in the farms, processing, cleaning, packaging and even storage because that is how our food should be. They also take due care that the product is clean properly and packed without any pantry pests. However , even after due care, there might be a probability of occurrence of these pantry pests even after it is packed in products such as whole grains and pulses like Moong, Matki, Wheat, Dalia, Sooji and Rice. Even though this occurrence may be a possibility in less than 5% of the products, it is our due responsibility to suggest you some measures as follow:

  • Transfer whole grains and pulses such as mentioned above to air-tight containers.
  • Add some rock salt crystals and organic red chilli powder to grains in the jars.
  • Adding some spices such as black pepper als helps.
  • Refrigeration of too sensitive grains such as moong whole, matki, wheat dalia and multi-grain flour will help.
  • Keep the containers dry.
  • Applying some castor oil or mustard oil on the pulses will help keep unwanted entities at bay.
  • If you are ordering it in 25-50 kg bulk packs, store those grains in hermetic bags preventing any such occurrences.
  • Even if there is any such occurrence of pantry pests, just sundry the product and the pests shall vanish.
  • In earlier days, we used to have desi Cow dung’s ashes being added to the grains, about 2-3 cms of height above grains.
  • Do not add boric powder or any such chemical to grains as even though it is an easy solution, it is not an organic core.
  • Do not add sulfaaz or parad tablets to your grains. Even the smell of it kills the pests in the grains. Just imagine what effect it would have on the nutrition that grains has to give. Such solutions can create real health problems.

Thankyou for reading, hope this will help.
For all products which are eligible for a refund, have to be refunded as mentioned above, will be picked up from you within Three days. The refund process through the Banking channel will be executed in Seven working days from the date of picking up the product.

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